Common Aesthetic Conditions

Common Aesthetic Conditions

Suffering from skin problems? Click on the relevant problems for details and the right treatment for you.
Wrinkles / Fine Lines
Facial wrinkles can be divided into dynamic wrinkles and static wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles will appear or become intensified with facial expressions, while static wrinkles are visible even without facial expressions. Wrinkles include the horizontal lines on forehead, the glabella lines between eyebrows, crow’s feet, the marionette lines, etc.
Volume Loss
Muscle, fat and collagen will be continuously lost through ageing, leading to facial volume loss and changes of shape.
Double Chin
Both congenital factors and acquired factors could cause double chin, the former include short chin, natural face shape, etc., the latter include obesity, localized fat, muscle or volume loss, etc.
Pigmentation includes freckles, sun spots, melasma (also known as hormonal spots), nevus of ota, and age spots. Sun protection are far important since most of the spots are caused by melanin deposition.
Dark Circles
Causes of dark circles vary, including loss of facial volume (especially the cheek), pigmentation, vasodilation led by nasal allergy, etc. Distinguishing the cause of dark circles is important to treat the problem with suitable method.
Acne Redness & Scars
Improper acne care such as squeezing can cause inflammation and may leave permanent scars. Acne treatment, indeed, is the best way to prevent acne scars, but to the formed scars or redness, medical aesthetic treatments will be required to treat the problems.
Ageing Skin
Ageing Skin could lead to various problems including pigmentation, wrinkles, sagging skin, dull skin tone, volume loss, etc. Proper aesthetic treatment can help address and treat the problems. 
Crow’s Feet
Crow's feet are more noticeable when you smile. The muscles around the eyes tighten, resulting in dynamic wrinkles that radiate from the outer corners of the eyes, and the skin around the eyes is thinner, so they show when you smile.

Be a Better You

Combining Dermatology and aesthetic medical treatments, we provide top-notch, reliable and professional treatments, regaining the flawless skin together with you.