Price & Insurance

Price List of Dermatology

Our treatment fee are transparent without hidden fees. We offer dermatological diagnosis and treatment, as well as effective medical aesthetic treatments at reasonable prices.

Specialty Consultation Fee of Dermatology
Specialty Consultation Fee(Exempt from medication and check-up)
Cryotherapy for Skin Warts
Treat warts with liquid nitrogen
HK$2,300 up
Operating room and laboratory fees
HK$4,800 up
Above prices for reference only. ASTA Clinic reserves all rights to change the service fee without prior notice. In case of any enquiry, please contact our clinic staff.

Insurance Info

There are numerous insurance companies in town, so are the insurance plans. Insurance plans could be divided to out-patients, in-patients, group medical card / plan, comprehensive plan, and so on, each plan has different payment methods such as Pre-approval or GOP, Pay & Claim, Co-payment, etc. Patients are advised to contact their insurance companies or agents to understand the coverage, the terms and conditions of the policy to help them plan and budget their medical expenses. ASTA will assist in providing you the required information throughout the claim procedures.

Know more about Panel Doctor and Pay & Claim

Panel Doctor is applicable to the reimbursement-based insurance plans such as corporate medical insurance scheme.  If you decide to visit a network doctor in the insurance plan, make sure ASTA is in the network doctor list and bring your insurance card (physical or e-card) on the date of consultation. 

In case of Pay & Claim, you will need to understand the coverage, the terms and conditions of the policy to rest assure that the treatment or procedure is covered in the policy. You shall obtain the insurance claim form and ask our doctors to fill out the claim form, and you may ask for a receipt for the treatment or procedure that meets the claim criteria. As a final step, you shall contact your insurance agent for the claim after completing your treatment or procedure. 


Be a Better You

Combining Dermatology and aesthetic medical treatments, we provide top-notch, reliable and professional treatments, regaining the flawless skin together with you.